June 22, 2005

Little unhappy, little happy

First off I'm a little unhappy, just watched the Global Frequency pilot, and I thought it was good. Quite good in fact, and that's not the bottle of Syrah we finished for dinner talking. I'd love to know why the people who make these decisions didn't pick it up. Did they not understand it? Are they stupid? Maybe we'll never know, I for one would have watched it on the boob tube, and if they decide to drop the pilot all fancy like on DVD I would plunk down my money to see it again. A wonderful job on the pilot to all folks involved.

Now the happy bit, Threadless has reprinted the Darth Vadar gardening shirt! Although they didn't email me to let me know about it (scum!). Anyway I bought one so I can be guaranteed a shirt and are letting you all know after the fact (because I am a bastard that way, and because last time I tried to get one I waited too long and they sold out).

Please don't ask me where I got the pilot, trust me, it's easy enough to find.

Posted by bkirsten at June 22, 2005 10:35 PM | |