June 17, 2005

Some neat links

Every once in a while I come across some neat links that don't fall into my "bookmark into my del.icio.us bookmarks" so here's a bunch (with comments if I feel like it).

Photos of Airbus A380 superjumbo plane - Those planes are friggen huge, they're expanding the Orlando airport's runways so these things can land.

Place The State game - It's surpisingly addicting and sort of proves all that money my parents spent on my education wasn't for naught.

Comics on your PSP

Pimp my mouth - It just proves that people love spending money on crap.

Awesome sand sculptures

Hottest sauce on earth - Supposedly this stuff could kill ya, but that's the chance you have to take for a tasty hot sauce!

Posted by bkirsten at June 17, 2005 02:34 PM | |