December 08, 2004

The Internet...

just creeps you out sometimes. First off, yes I haven't been blogging lately, it's due to a combination of things. 1) Halo 2 (damn you!) 2) Getting other crap done (Rose, Epiphany web stuff) 3) Work 4) Holiday's, all of these things I'm sure most of you are dealing with in some shape or form. Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is I'm currently (well not currently) watching my parents living room in "virtual tour" mode being transmitted via the interimweb. It's just a wacky thing to see, my parents house (which they are selling after 27 years of living there) all done up in fancy 360 degrees form. My parents officially put the house on the market about 3 days ago, something that made me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because the new place they are getting will rock, it's brand new, exactly what they want and will be near to us. Sad though because a whole lot of memories have happened in the old house, my entire life that house was the "Kirsten home", but after a couple of months it will be simply a "home". I raise a glass to the old house, hoping that the next lucky group to have it, share the same wonderful memories that she has given us.

For those of you who are interested in checking out (or heck buying!) the Kirsten homestead:

Posted by bkirsten at December 8, 2004 02:52 PM | |