September 04, 2004

In a funk...waiting for the hurricane.

I'm in a writing funk right now, I've got most of the second script finished (the rewrite), I just have to gaggle it all together. Part of the script will be experimental (at least for me), I'll have to see how my editor and Steve reacts to it.

It's a tense time, waiting for Frances to hit, every local news station is force feeding whatever little news they have. It was supposed to hit Friday, then early Saturday, now late Saturday. She's just plodding along, and the news stations are pretty much grabbing whatever little they can to give us 24 hours of HOT HURRICANE COVERAGE! We've had our first bands of her, heavy rain and wind, now....bright and sunny. Very odd.

Posted by bkirsten at September 4, 2004 01:22 PM | |